
Key goal:

Design an application to help people travelling abroad to easily communicate and interact with individuals where language is a barrier. It takes into account the users' context and suggests words, phrases, sites etc. based on their geographical location.


User experience, visual design

Concept Design:

Establishing the product story
I used story boarding to get a full picture of the users and their problem. The storyboard helped to ensure the full experience is considered and served as a key early collaboration tool with the other team members

Understanding the users
The storyboards naturally lead to establishing key characters to represent who will use the product. This helps foster empathy for the users and helps the team stay people focused rather than feature focused.

Scenarios describe the context behind why people would use an application. They are critical for designing an interface and for usability testing.

Outlining the key user flows
Mapping out key user flows early ensures that what is eventually designed can be actually built.

More detail was added to the user flows using Balsamiq Mockups - a rapid wireframing and prototyping tool. 

The prototypes were then tested with the users and necessary iterations were made in line with the critique and rationale provided.

With that, the application was then implemented in Android.