Like A Local

Key Goal:

Design a simple website with would allow tourists to tour Kenya as if they were local born and breed Kenyans. It is designed to give foreigners a tour in the country avoiding the regular tourist traps hence enabling them to see the raw and unaltered culture of the people.


User experience, Visual design, Developer

Concept Design

Card Sorting
This is a qualitative method that was used to conduct user research for the Like A Local Project. The card sorting method helped to evaluate the information architecture of the site.

Paper, pictures and colourful sticky notes were used for this particular exercise. In the card sorting session, participants organised the topics into categories that would make sense to them and also assisted in labelling these groups.

Paper Prototypes
To visualise the ideas around the application, the website pages were sketched on paper with photo images attached for a better visual representation. The paper prototypes provided the easiest way to visualise how the website would look. They were easy to modify and recreate upon review and critique from the users. 

High Fidelity Prototype
Using HTML 5 and CSS, I developed a higher fidelity prototype of the website taking into account the critique received from the tests with the paper prototype. This prototype provided a more realistic view of the project to the target users, a rich description of the  intended features and design. It was highly interactive and hence used for further user tests before the implementation phase